Network Chiropractic

“Previously known as Network Spinal Analysis, Network Chiropractic is now known as Network Spinal”


Crabapple Wellness offers this unique crossroads of energy work and chiropractic care to the Alpharetta and Milton Communities. Dr. Andrew Wright is the most highly trained Network Chiropractor in the southeast and has trained directly with Dr. Donald M Epstein, the developer of NetworkSpinal.

Network Chiropractic is based on a principle known as Reorganizational Healing. This principle suggests that our energetic system can never be depleted, but rather that the system itself is running efficiently and is unable to organize itself properly. The role of the chiropractor in this type of care is to help expand the body’s self-awareness and to teach the body new, more efficient strategies of self-organization.

Patients who experience Network Chiropractic care often feel more at ease in their lives physically, mentally, emotionally, and even spiritually. During a network adjustment, also called a spinal entrainment, the chiropractor will make a series of gentle touches to very specific parts of the body. This application is used to help your body produce breath and movement patterns to essentially teach the body how to organize its parts more efficiently, turning your body into its own chiropractor.

The four wavelengths of infrared light used by our laser have been extensively researched and chosen in order to get the maximum benefit based on the outcomes of the research.

Level 1 - Discover

Living in the Season of Discover is characterized by the feeling of not having enough energy to survive or feeling upset all the time, even though there may not be anything wrong. You might notice that you aren’t really breathing deeply often. The anger, upset, or frustration you experience for no apparent reason might put unnecessary strain on your relationships as you inevitably are “short” with your family or friends. In this period of the healing journey, you might feel like you just feel stuck where you are. You have a vision for what you want your life to look like, but you don’t know how to get there.

A Discover level entrainment is typically lying face down using a few very specific, quick touches at the bottom of the spine or on the neck. The changes seen in a Discover entrainment can be subtle or can allow someone to feel safe enough to express emotions, though there is never any expectation to do so. A Discover entrainment helps to ease tension in the physical body and develop a healing breath leaving you feeling relaxed, like you’re sinking into the table.

Level 2 - Transform

Eventually, when a patient finds the energy to get “unstuck” from the low-energy place where they have been living, they enter the Season of Transform. Many personal development books and seminars focus on this season. Transform can happen quickly and a session on the table typically only lasts a minute or so. During the Season of Transform, the body becomes aware of its own innate rhythm. Patients experience this Season in their lives by realizing that they have been living by someone else’s rules their whole life and that they don’t have to anymore. Their own innate signature is expressed and they create their own rules for who they are and how they interact with the world. Dr. Donald Epstein first observed the Season of Transform as a wave-like motion that was later named the Somato-Psychic Wave and became known as the Network Wave. The Network Wave is unique to NetworkSpinal and is not replicated in any other healing technique.

Level 3 - Awaken

The Season of Discover feels like no matter how much effort and energy is spent, change is not even possible. In the Season of Transform, the effort finally begins to produce results and change happens. Patients who experience the Season of Awaken, notice an effortless change in their lives. Many books have been written about the Law of Attraction and how to manifest your ideal life. In the Season of Awaken, you are living at such a high vibration that the correct parts of your life fall into place and the incorrect parts of your life simply fade. You become aware of the path you are meant to take.

An entrainment in the Season of Awaken looks similar in application to a Transform entrainment though with a softness. The spinal wave begins to be informed by the oscillation of the heart. In other words, the patient begins to live a heart-centered life.

Why Network Chiropractic Care Works

Most often, a patient will come into the office with different parts of their lives in different Seasons. For example, if your dog passes away the morning of an important business meeting, you will need to call on the Season of Transform in order to conduct the meeting but experience the grief in the Season of Discover. Being able to choose to express each of the Seasons at the appropriate time is paramount to having a successful business meeting and expressing grief with your family due to the loss.

Similarly, if you and your spouse experience the birth of your long-awaited child, you will likely experience the Season of Awaken. Now imagine that two minutes after the birth, during the tears of indescribable joy, your plumber calls to ask which kind of fixtures you want in your kitchen. Making decisions like which kitchen hardware to use is an experience of the Season of Transform. Being able to stay present with your actively expanding family and calmly telling the plumber that you will get back to them (or deciding not to pick up the call in the first place. Come on, priorities!) is an exercise in bouncing between the Season of Transform and the Season of Awaken.

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